Content Type Examples

Content Type Examples

Simple examples of all of the different content types supported in Skilljar Lessons.

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About this course

Skilljar is content agnostic, meaning you can blend a variety of different content types together in a single course to keep the curriculum engaging. Skilljar lessons support uploading and the seamless display of: mp4, mov, mp3, PDF, SCORM 1.2; and will support embedding from: Box, Google Sites (Docs, Forms, Groups, Presentations), Youtube, Vimeo, Wistia, Vidyard, SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics, Slideshare, Qzzr, Haiku Deck, and any other website that allows embedding via iFrame.

Content that is uploaded to Skilljar servers or embedded from external sources gets converted into an Asset and stored in your Asset Library. Assets stored in this library can be repurposed and reused across Skilljar courses - even across domains. Then, when it comes time to update that content, you simply replace the root file in the Asset Library or make changes in the external location it resides. Skilljar will automatically propagate those changes to every course that is using it in real time, removing the manual burden.


  • Intro to Content Types
  • Explanation
  • Cloudinary Test
  • Video
  • Skilljar Native Player
  • Youtube
  • Vimeo
  • Wistia
  • HTML / Text
  • Customized Look & Feel Example
  • Text Only
  • iFrame Widget
  • Quizzing / Assessment
  • Skilljar - Absorption
  • Skilljar - Assessment
  • External - QuestionMark
  • External - SurveyMonkey
  • SCORM - Quiz
  • Surveys / Feedback
  • Native - Survey
  • External - Survey
  • Live Training
  • VILT - Native
  • VILT - Zoom
  • ILT - In Person
  • Embeds
  • PDF
  • Audio
  • Google Slides
  • SCORM / Web Package

About this course

Skilljar is content agnostic, meaning you can blend a variety of different content types together in a single course to keep the curriculum engaging. Skilljar lessons support uploading and the seamless display of: mp4, mov, mp3, PDF, SCORM 1.2; and will support embedding from: Box, Google Sites (Docs, Forms, Groups, Presentations), Youtube, Vimeo, Wistia, Vidyard, SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics, Slideshare, Qzzr, Haiku Deck, and any other website that allows embedding via iFrame.

Content that is uploaded to Skilljar servers or embedded from external sources gets converted into an Asset and stored in your Asset Library. Assets stored in this library can be repurposed and reused across Skilljar courses - even across domains. Then, when it comes time to update that content, you simply replace the root file in the Asset Library or make changes in the external location it resides. Skilljar will automatically propagate those changes to every course that is using it in real time, removing the manual burden.


  • Intro to Content Types
  • Explanation
  • Cloudinary Test
  • Video
  • Skilljar Native Player
  • Youtube
  • Vimeo
  • Wistia
  • HTML / Text
  • Customized Look & Feel Example
  • Text Only
  • iFrame Widget
  • Quizzing / Assessment
  • Skilljar - Absorption
  • Skilljar - Assessment
  • External - QuestionMark
  • External - SurveyMonkey
  • SCORM - Quiz
  • Surveys / Feedback
  • Native - Survey
  • External - Survey
  • Live Training
  • VILT - Native
  • VILT - Zoom
  • ILT - In Person
  • Embeds
  • PDF
  • Audio
  • Google Slides
  • SCORM / Web Package

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Welcome to the new Autodesk Construction Cloud™ Learning Center! If you previously took courses on Learn BIM 360, your courses can be found in the BIM 360 tile on the Courses page. We hope you enjoy exploring our new content for all of our Autodesk Construction Cloud™ products.
